Historical - Birthdays

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Alta Cockers

Attendees of Betty White's 90th Birthday Celebration (January 17, 2012)

Born on April Fool's Day [April 1st]

Born on Bastille Day [July 14th]

Born on Boxing Day [Deceber 26]

Born on Christmas Day [December 25th]

Born on Christmas Eve [December 24th]

Born on Cinco de Mayo [May 5th]

Born on Dr. Seuss Day [March 2nd]

Born on Earth Day [April 22nd]

Born on Festivus [December 23]

Born on Friday the Thirteenth

Born on Groundhog's Day [February 2]

Born on Halloween [October 31st]

Born on Halloween Eve [October 30th]

Born on Holocaust Remembrance Day [January 27]

Born on International Women’s Day [March 8]

Born on Juneteenth [June 19]

Born on Leap Day [February 29th]

Born on Martin Luther King's Birthday [January 15th]

Born on May Day [May 1st]

Born on New Year's Day [January 1st]

Born on New Year's Eve [December 31st]

Born on Pearl Harbor Day [December 7th]

Born on September 11th

Born on St. Patrick's Day [March 17th]

Born on Tax Day [April 15th]

Born on the 4th of July

Born on the First Day of Summer [June 21st]

Born on United Nations Day [October 24th]

Born on Valentine's Day [February 14th]

Born on Veteran's Day [November 11th]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [April]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [August]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [December]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [February]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [January]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [July]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [June]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [March]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [May]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [November]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [October]

Celebrities Born on the Same Date [September]

I Appeared on Muhammad Ali's 50th Birthday Celebration [1992]

I Attended President Obama's 60th Birthday [August 7, 2021]

I Attended the Reverend Billy Graham's 95th Birthday Gala [November 7, 2013]

I Have A Well-Rounded Birthday: Born On Pi Day (March 14)

I Lived to 100

I Performed in Leonard Bernstein’s 60th Birthday Concert [August 25, 1978]

Mickey Mouse’s 60th Birthday Celebration [November 13, 1988]

New York Post Analyzed My Birth Chart

Shares Anne Frank's Birthday [June 12th]

Shares Hitler's Birthday [April 20th]

Shares Lincoln's Birthday [February 12th]

Shares Washington's Birthday [February 22nd]


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