Historical - Military

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‘Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust’ Commentators

Alleged Collaborators

Artists United to Win Without War [2003]

Bob Hope USO Tours

Boot Campaign (#BootsOn)

Celebrities who Served in World War II [1939-45]

Celebrity Civil War Buffs


Coalition of the Willing

Cold War Participants

Congressional Medal of Honor Winners

Generals and Admirals

German Military

I am a Colonel

I am a U.S. Marine

I Entertained the Troops in Vietnam

I Evaded the Vietnam War

I Served in Both World Wars

I Was a Prisoner of War

I Was Imprisoned at a Japanese Internment Camp in the US

Manhattan Project

Military Branches

Military Brats

Participated in the French Resistance

Purple Hearts

Remembering the Alamo

Secret Annex Wall Photos [Anne Frank House]

Served in the American Civil War [1861-65]

Served in the American Revolution [1775-89]

Served in the French Revolution

Served in the Korean War

Served in the Mexican Revolution [1910-20]

Served in the Napoleonic Wars

Served in the Vietnam War

Served in the War of 1812

Served in World War I

Served in World War II

Seven Years’ War Participants [1756–63]

U.S. Military Bases

U.S. Navy Seals

World War I Ambulance Drivers

World War II Pin-up Girls

Writers and Editors War Tax Protest Pledge Signers [January 30, 1968]


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